


Intangible Asset ; not phtsical in nature

  • Goodwill, Brand recognition, Mailing list of clients
  • Intellectual Property;知的所有権, such as patentes, trademaeks, and copyrights

Indefinite ; 耐用年数が定まっていない(not amortized)

  • brand name

Definite (be amortized)

  • legal agreement to operate under another company's patent

※ Intangible asset doesn't appear on balance sheet. Only if they have aquired, it appears. For example, company A purcheses a patent, then A would record a transaction under long-term assets. It would written off over a number of years via amortization.


Tangible Asset 

  • land, vehicles, equipment, and inventory
  • financial assets ; stocks and bonds


write off ; 削除、控除、減価償却

along the way of ; ~に至るまで

agreed-upon ; 合意済みの

amortization ; 償却

impairment ; 減損

carrying value ; 帳簿価格

fair value ; 妥当な評価額



Fixed Asset ; a long-term tangibles, not expected to be convert into cash within 1 year

  • PP&E(property, plant and equipment)
  • capital assets


Current assets

  • liquid assets
  • inventory, 

Noncurrent assets

  • not easily converted into cash
  • property, fixed assets, intangible assets, long-term investments, deferred charges